
one of our techs is working on backflow testingWhat's Backflow?

Backflow occurs when contaminated water has reversed its flow and gotten into the lines with the clean water. This can happen at any of the cross-connections in between the dirty and clean water lines.

It usually happens due to a huge change in the water pressure, like when a water main breaks.

This dirty water often will contain things like pesticides, chemicals, or human waste, so it can make you very sick if you drink it or even bathe with it.

Backflow Prevention &Testing

bacflow testing ensures that your water is cleanThere are safety devices that can be put in place to prevent this backflow from happening. If there's a dramatic or unexpected water pressure change, the device stops the dirty water from getting into the supply of clean water. But it's important for the device to be installed properly and tested. This will ensure the clean water stays free of any contaminants.

It's required by municipal codes that these devices are tested annually to make sure they're properly functioning. Many times, homeowners are fined if they're not tested on time. You also might have your water supply cut off. That's why its smart to schedule it long before it's due. This way you don't have to worry about being non-compliant.

If you are looking for backflow testing, we are glad to help. Call us today to schedule an appointment. We want to do our best to keep your water safe for you and your family. We have been serving your community for years and we're glad to answer your questions.

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